I love teaching Emotional Intelligence! I provide emotional intelligence training using my four-week curriculum, which enhances all emotional intelligence my customers have already and provides additional tools for all life circumstances.
II hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology/Biology and a Masters Degree in Social Work, and I am a certified Steven Covey Facilitator.. I am also a certified Life Mastery Coach, trained in the Dream Builder and Life Mastery program by the BTI.
Even though I hold some significant degrees and achievements, my most important degree is the degree from the University of Hard Knocks.
Having served as a former Army spouse of 21 years, and having raised 10 children, I am very familiar with the rigors of life and the importance of maintaining emotional health while in the midst of life events. I left my country of origin to follow my spouse and understand how life can get rough. I have learned to navigate stormy seas while providing support and guidance to those around me.
I love to work with people and to empower them to live the life they truly love. I provide tools to enhance emotional intelligence, and if utilized, they always work. I support my clients with insight and laser coaching.
I can't wait to work with you!